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Effortlessly Track Stocks with Tradebulls Touch 2.0 Watchlist

Simply log in,
- Go to the watchlist tab, and create a new watchlist with a personalized name.
- Use the search & add icon to find and select the scrips you want to track.
- Save your selections, and voila!

Your multi-asset watchlist with real-time streaming quotes is ready to keep you informed.

Trade smartly with Tradebulls Touch 2.0 watchlist feature.
Install Touch 2.O Now - https://bit.ly/TBSTouch

Visit our website for more: www.tradebulls.in

Download our Touch 2.0 app:
Android: https://play.google.com/store/....apps/details?id=in.t
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/....tradebulls-touch-2-0

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